Eager St. John's aims to upset UConn, the current top-ranked team.

Eager St. John's aims to upset UConn, the current top-ranked team. February 1 - Rick Pitino hopes Saturday's game ends the concern of UConn fans taking over St. John's "home game." The rivalry heats up as St. John's, led by Pitino, faces UConn and Danny Hurley in a Big East matchup at Madison Square Garden. St. John's recent struggles continue, suffering their fourth loss in five games, 88-77 against Xavier on Wednesday. View more 

Tim Davie`BBC meets` UK PM

Finally, it is likely that Davie and Johnson discussed the BBC's coverage
Tim Davie`BBC meets` UK PM

BBC meets UK PM.Davie and Johnson discussed a range of issues, including the BBC's funding model,

On March 14, 2023, news outlets across the United Kingdom reported on an interaction between BBC Director-General Tim Davie and Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The meeting, which took place earlier in the day, has sparked much discussion and speculation about the future of the BBC and its relationship with the government.

According to sources, Davie and Johnson discussed a range of issues, including the BBC's funding model, its impartiality, and its coverage of political events. It is not clear what specific proposals or agreements were discussed, but both Davie and Johnson have made statements indicating that they had a productive meeting.

The meeting comes at a time of significant uncertainty for the BBC. In recent years, the corporation has faced mounting criticism from some quarters for what some perceive as bias in its reporting and an overly left-leaning editorial stance. At the same time, the BBC has struggled with declining viewership and revenue as more people turn to streaming services and other digital media platforms for their news and entertainment.

One of the key issues discussed between Davie and Johnson was the BBC's funding model. The corporation is currently funded by a license fee paid by all households with a television set. The fee, which is set by the government and currently stands at £159 per year, has been the subject of intense debate in recent years. Some have argued that the fee is outdated and should be replaced by a different funding model, while others have defended it as a crucial source of revenue for the BBC.

It is not clear whether Davie and Johnson discussed any specific proposals for changing the funding model, but both men have made statements in the past suggesting that they are open to exploring new options. Davie, who became Director-General of the BBC in 2020, has previously suggested that the corporation could consider alternative funding models, such as a subscription-based model. Johnson, meanwhile, has been critical of the license fee in the past, and has suggested that it could be replaced by a "voluntary subscription" model.

Another issue that was likely discussed between Davie and Johnson is the BBC's impartiality. The corporation has faced accusations of bias from both the left and the right of the political spectrum, with some critics suggesting that its editorial stance is too heavily influenced by a liberal agenda. Others have accused the BBC of being too deferential to the government, particularly during the Brexit debate.

Davie has made it clear that he believes impartiality is crucial to the BBC's credibility and has taken steps to address the issue. In September 2020, he announced a new set of guidelines for the corporation's journalists, aimed at ensuring that their reporting is fair, balanced, and impartial. The guidelines were welcomed by some but criticized by others, who argued that they did not go far enough in addressing the issue of bias.

It is possible that Davie and Johnson discussed ways in which the BBC could further improve its impartiality, perhaps through additional training for journalists or changes to the editorial process. However, it is not clear whether any specific proposals were discussed.

Finally, it is likely that Davie and Johnson discussed the BBC's coverage of political events, particularly in light of the upcoming general election. The BBC is widely regarded as one of the most important news organizations in the UK, and its coverage of political events can have a significant impact on public opinion.

There have been concerns in the past that the BBC's coverage of political events has been too heavily influenced by the government of the day, leading to accusations of bias. However, Davie has made it clear that he believes the BBC should be independent and impartial in its reporting, regardless of the political climate.

It remains to be seen what the outcome of the meeting between Davie and Johnson will be, and whether any significant changes will be made to the BBC's funding model, impartiality 


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